hermès's style is strongly influenced by his early passion for sketching and drawing. this advanced him to start expressing his vision through the camera in 2009.
his narratives are underpinned by context from his acclaimed international relations and dispute resolution work. his tireless pursuit of reconciling tension and dynamics of social conflicts has led him to traverse diverse and dangerous regions of the world and capture the beauty within.
hermès draws upon classical aesthetics, such as ancient greek sculpture as well as impressionism and the pre-raphaelites. parallels from visual arts are also provided by the work of andre kertesz and gianni berengo gardin. his artistic philosophy manifests itself in projects with a photojournalistic approach, whereby he captures the aesthetic. this is brought to life by the use of obsolete positive film and traditional darkroom printing techniques.
his command of eight languages, including ancient and modern greek, french, italian, spanish, portuguese and german, has allowed him to continuously interact and embed himself in various communities, from civil societies to art and theatre groups.
hermès's recent exhibitions demonstrate fluidity in both extreme convergence and divergence, demonstrating the notions of egalitarianism and universality.
“...the body of photographic work represents a peripatetic life, which started with hermes’s passion for charcoal and pastel drawing.....the palette is now complemented by a camera and film, which remains a timeless yet modern and dynamic medium perfectly expressing the aesthetic of those precious instants that hermes’s work so beautifully captures...not only is there a remarkable aesthetic capture of key moments but his exhibits show fluid humanity in both extreme convergence and divergence ...underpinned by notions of universality.”
“la fotografia di hermes e in continua evoluzione, perche l’occhio dell’artista non si ferma alla superficie della realta, ma, nel coglierne gli aspetti piu riposti, si sforza di raggiungere una dimensione piu personale. caratteristica principale essa e la componente umana, non tanto in chiave documentaristica, ma come presenza spirituale imprescindibile....ogni luogo risente della presenza della vita, della rivendicazione di una dignita che, attraverso il linguaggio scelto e fortemente incisivo,”
"hermes fast and furious reportage style work in some of the most adverse conditions has produced a body of work which is effortlessly sublime"
- alex moore - head of exhibitions - dulwich picture gallery
“...tras un viaje a brasil, hermes, un griego poliglota y genial, mas filosofo que socrates, mas artista que fidias y con un corazon mas grande que el de zorbas, me habia regalado unas magnificas fotografias del corcovado, enjaulado entre un gigantesco andamio, instalado para restaurarlo en la epoca en que lo visitamos. era no se si una alegoria, una metafora o, quiza una parabola. un cristo gigande abrazando iberoamerica, pero enjaulado...”